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Improve Post Event Email Outreach with Detailed Audience Data

Lindsay McGuire
Lindsay McGuire
Associate Director of Content & Campaigns

Read time: 0 minutes

Improve post-event email outreach response rate by infusing audience data into messaging.
Time Required
1 - 2 hours
Tools Needed
Event Platform

Running virtual events and webinars is a great way to fill your pipeline with opportunities, but only if you nail the post-event outreach.

Personalization is king when it comes to email outreach, especially regarding post-event comms. Why not take the event data, which is available at your fingertips, and use it to fuel your email outreach strategy? Use this playbook to learn how to easily isolate in-event actions that can be used within your post-event email outreach to improve response rates.

What you’ll learn

  • What audience data can be isolated from event actions
  • Ideas for personalizing email outreach based on audience data
  • Ways to automate email outreach through templates and AI

Expected Results

  • An increase of up to 30% in email response rate
  • Stronger funnel of discovery calls and demos
  • Better brand recall with event attendees

Step 1: Set Up Event Engagement Opportunities

They key to this play is adding interaction points for your audience into your virtual event or webinar. Offering up multiple ways for your audience to engage—besides within the chat—provides your sales team with many more creative opportunities to connect with your audience.

Here are a few event engagement opportunities to consider:


Your event platform should have a way to add resources, like PDFs and links, into your event for your audience to enjoy. Consider adding 3-5 additional resources, like ebooks, the webinar deck, blog posts, YouTube videos, or other content options related to the content you’re sharing.


Adding polls to your event not only boosts audience engagement but is a great way to gather powerful personalization details for follow up. Align your polls to the content within your event and then focus your follow up according to their answers.

Here’s an example from an episode of Donuts & Demand, Goldcast’s series built for demand generation marketers. Once the event finished, our sales team followed up with each poll respondent with content related to their poll answer.

[object Object]


The Q&A section of an event is a treasure trove of audience details to mine for follow up. And in this case, it’s even better if a viewer’s questions wasn’t answered live—gives you even more of a reason to follow up with them post-event!

Want access to all these event engagement options?

Get a demo of Goldcast to see even more ways Goldcast makes it easy to engage your audience during webinars and virtual events.

Step 2: Gather Data and Send to Sales

Once your event or webinar is complete, it’s time to compile your data! We find it best to pull it all into a single sheet so your sales team has a view of all the data within one place. This helps them be more efficient with their outreach by making automations easier to run off of a single data sheet.

To download all your event engagement data within Goldcast, simply go to the event and select the Analytics button at the top. From there, you can download the data from your CTA button, Polls, Resources, and Q&A. Combine into a single sheet and share with your sales team for easy access.

Step 3: Send Out Personalized Emails

Now it’s time to get those email follow ups out! Below are some email templates you can start with as you build out your sales outreach flows:

Action: Poll Response

When to Send Email: Within One Week

Hi <first name>,

Thanks for attending [company name]’s event [event name] [time period]. I hope you thoroughly enjoyed the content. Let me know if you had a favorite part!

I saw you answered the poll [poll question] with [answer]. We have some great content around [topic] I thought you might be interested in. Let me know if it is helpful!

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3 I hope to see you at another one of our upcoming events. See them all here [link].

Event Action: Unanswered Q&A

When to Send Email: Within One Day

Hi <first name>,

Thanks for attending [company name]’s event [event name] [time period]. I saw you asked the question [insert question] and it did not get answered. I took some time to get an answer for you from our speakers, here’s what they had to share: [Insert response]

Happy to discuss this topic further or send over a few related resources you might find interesting. We have some excellent topic around this topic.

Event Action: Resource Download

When to Send Email: Within Two Weeks

Hi <first name>,

Thanks for attending [company name]’s event [event name] [time period]. I hope you thoroughly enjoyed the content. Let me know if you had a favorite part!

I saw you downloaded our resource [resource name] during the event. We have some great content around [topic] I thought you might be interested in. Let me know if it is helpful!

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

I hope to see you at another one of our upcoming events. See them all here [link].

💡 Pro Tip: Looking to speed up your email production? Consider using Content Lab! The email generator uses your event recording as the source content, and you can easily add in a custom prompt. It’s a great way to jumpstart your email copywriting.

Plus, it now has Brand Voice, ensuring it aligns to your organization’s tone and voice! Here’s an example of a recap email created in Content Lab from our webinar Leveraging AI for Brand Voice.

[object Object]


Don’t let all your event engagement data go to waste! By using data from polls, Q&A, and other event engagement channels in your email follow-up, you can expect to see:

  • An increase of up to 30% in email response rate
  • Stronger funnel of discovery calls and demos
  • Better brand recall with event attendees

In the age of AI, personalized follow ups are more important than ever. Make connecting with your audience more impactful and powerful by using your event engagement data now.

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