Innovating with AI: How MAICON Generated Same-Day Session Notes via Goldcast

The Marketing AI Institute has hosted the Marketing AI Conference (MAICON), its premiere in-person conference dedicated to marketing AI, annually since 2019. This year, the team wanted to enhance the attendee experience with same-day session notes and videos. To achieve this, they relied on Goldcast’s live event streaming and embedded AI tools.

Challenge: Turning Around Same-Day Event Content

The MAICON team is laser focused on providing their attendees the best experience possible. One idea they had for improving the attendee experience was providing same-day session notes. “We're always looking for new ways to bring a better user experience to our attendees. We know people are taking notes throughout the sessions. So we wondered, how can we use AI to make that easier for them?” explained Tracy Lewis, Chief Operating Officer at Marketing AI Institute.

Previously, the team had relied on a content repurposing tool for this. But they ran into issues due to having to manually download files from their on-stage recordings and upload them into the platform. Tracy shared this about the process:

To improve the process, the MAICON team wanted the ability to:

  • Process video recordings quickly with zero file transfers
  • Automatically generate session notes from same-day event recordings
  • Easily snip video clips from recordings to share on social media

Luckily the Goldcast platform could do all of this for them!

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Solution: Goldcast’s AI Features Within Content Lab

Marketing AI Institute already relies on Goldcast to run its virtual summits like the AI for B2B Marketers Summit, which pulled in more than 4,000 attendees. Because of this, they explored Goldcast’s AI features as a solution to their day-of event content needs.

Goldcast’s Content Lab, an AI-powered video repurposing tool, was exactly what they needed! They decided to go with Goldcast since they had familiarity with the tool and trusted the AI built into the platform could deliver.

“We were familiar with Content Lab and how it could take content from videos and transform that in real time into text content and video content. So we were curious if there was a way to evolve that in an in-person experience, where we could then take the videos of our main stage sessions and then turn that into content for other formats.”

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Tracy and her team were able to learn how to use Content Lab quickly, enabling them to produce same-day session notes and social content for 20 sessions across two days. Here’s Tracy’s explanation of why Content Lab was so easy to pick up and start using:

By adopting Content Lab, the MAICON team streamlined all their conference content creation, from session notes to social media videos, on a single platform.

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Results: Automated Session Notes & Video Clips

Thanks to Goldcast’s innovative AI features, the Marketing AI Institute was able to achieve all of its same-day content goals during MAICON. “I think there's value in having it in a quicker time frame than if we would have waited,” explained Tracy. “And from a social standpoint, I think it's fun that it was happening live because not everyone could attend with us live.” Here’s a glance at what Goldcast helped them achieve:

MAICON Event Success Metrics Using Goldcast

  • Live-streamed 20 sessions into the platform to use for content creation
  • Shared session notes within 30 minutes of session close
  • Produced and shared multiple social media clips same-day
  • Grew average social media interactions by 400%

Let’s dive into some of these successes to learn more.

Created Timely and Accurate Session Notes Using AI

Providing attendees with as much valuable content as possible was a key factor for the MAICON planning team. Delivering session notes for each recorded session within a 30-minute window was crucial for Tracy. “That's when people want it and are starting to expect it. So it's great if you can send it after the fact, but it also kind of loses appeal,” she shared.

Tracy believes delivering session notes same-day has a major impact on the event attendee experience. “They realize notes are actually coming. I can rely on these notes coming. I can take these notes into other sessions throughout the day, and build upon what we've been learning.”

Thanks to Goldcast’s Content Lab, the MAICON team was able to get session notes automatically produced for 20 live sessions in record time. They live-streamed their main stage content directly into Goldcast, which eliminated the file download and upload issues they had faced with their previous technology.

Once the live session ended, the recording was available within Content Lab without any downloading or uploading. From there, the Takeaways generator within Content Lab was used to craft session notes. These were then shared with attendees through MAICON’s event app and website within 30 minutes of the session’s close.

Produced Social Media Clips Same-Day

Sharing the excitement and building hype during the event is a big part of MAICON’s strategy. Crafting clips from their sessions and sharing them same-day plays a big role in this.

“From a marketing perspective, it helps build that FOMO of, you know, maybe I should make the trip next year, because it looks like it's a lot of fun or what they're saying is really interesting or these look like engaging conversations,” said Tracy.

In previous years, the Marketing AI Institute would never have been able to share video clips from MAICON same day. “Last year, we waited for the AV files. We were not putting it up right away,” shared Tracy. “It was weeks later potentially, and even then, it was like a video here and there, kind of whenever the team had a second.”

Now, the team is able to share content quickly after it goes live. Below is just one example of how they shared their video snippets across their social media accounts:

Content Lab’s ease of use, mixed with its powerful AI functionality, made it incredibly easy for the MAICON event team to get those social clips posted. Tracy shared, “It was really easy to create those real time clips from our main stage that we could share on social. It was quicker than if we had to wait for the files from our AV team, upload those into a different platform, clip it, download those, and then get it on to social.”

Innovate More with Goldcast’s AI

Thanks to Goldcast’s Content Lab, the MAICON team was able to make their dream of automating session notes a reality. “I feel like it's one of those tools you can just jump in, play for a couple of minutes, and then you're going to get something useful out of it,” explained Tracy.

Ready to start automating session notes yourself? How about snipping and sharing video clips from your sessions same-day? Open a free Content Lab account today to begin!

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Marketing AI Institute


Marketing AI Institute is a media, event, and online education company making AI approachable and accessible to marketing and business leaders around the world. Its Marketing AI Conference (MAICON) helps marketers at all levels understand AI, educate their teams, garner executive support, pilot priority AI use cases, and develop a near-term strategy for successfully scaling AI.



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