Why B2B Brands Should Invest in Video Marketing

September 23, 2024
Lindsay McGuire
Lindsay McGuire
Associate Director of Content and Campaigns at Goldcast

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What can you accomplish in eight seconds?

It might not sound like much, but as marketers, we only have a few seconds to tap into an audience’s attention span. That’s the power of video.

Video is one of the best marketing formats out there if you’re looking to stand out, catch eyes, and make your brand’s voice heard. So, why is now an excellent time to invest in video marketing? And how can you use your budget wisely to get the most out of the B2B videos you create? Let’s dive in.

Why invest in video marketing?

Video marketing is a powerful strategy that can have a big impact on your brand and pipeline. It captures attention, conveys messages quickly, and boosts engagement across platforms. And with the rise of mobile devices and time spent on social media platforms, video content has become more accessible than ever.

It’s not just about access and engagement, though—it’s also about cutting through the noise with your message. Studies show that viewers retain 95% of a message when watching a video, compared to just 10% when reading text. By investing in video marketing, you can increase brand recall, drive awareness, and improve conversion rates.

5 compelling reasons to invest in video marketing

Let’s dig into the “why” a bit more. If you’re looking for a convincing reason to bolster your video budget (or need one to present to leadership 🤓), we’ve got you covered. Here are five big benefits of video marketing for B2B brands.

1. Amplify brand awareness

By nature, video catches eyes and engages viewers quickly. This means it reaches a wider audience than other types of content, which is great news for your brand awareness.

The nice thing about a brand awareness play is that it doesn’t have to convert. It doesn’t have to sell. It just has to show who you are in a memorable way. And video is the perfect medium to do this.

In our Coffee Corner episode on video marketing, Sarah McConnell, VP of Demand Generation at Qualified, shares one of her favorite examples of a brand doing this well: Clue, a period tracking app and menstrual health resource.

“They have a wide variety of video types,” she explains. “What Clue does really well is they have the same short, brings-in-a-lot-of-personality videos where it talks about the pain points of their persona. It’s something you can connect to as a person. It’s very top of funnel — it’s not product pitchy. It’s just something that gets you to connect with the pain point as the persona.”

For example, a video on Clue’s Instagram page sounds the alarm: If you’re old enough to remember Nokia brick phones, you might be old enough to go through perimenopause.

2. Boost engagement and conversion rates

Which would you be more likely to engage with: The Clue video described above, or an educational article about perimenopause?

The truth is, both types of content have their place, and if you’re actually experiencing symptoms, you’ll likely find the article more helpful. But for a quick tap or share, nothing beats the video format.

A more engaged audience spends more time on your site and converts at higher rates. Why? Videos give you an opportunity to explain your product clearly, preemptively addressing questions and concerns. This paves the way for more informed and confident purchasing decisions.

3. Enhance SEO and online visibility

It’s no secret search engines love video. Since video content is often prioritized in search results, websites that use video are more likely to reach the front page of the SERP—it’s that simple.

We can take video’s SEO boost further, too:

This increased visibility also means more organic traffic to your site.

4. Improve social media presence

In today’s noisy social media sphere, video is table stakes if you want to build a presence people will notice. Videos are easy to consume, easy to relate to, and easy to share.

And snackable video content isn’t just for B2C brands. (Although we almost never swipe up on a wild makeup tutorial.) There’s plenty of room for B2B brands to make a splash with social video, especially with the introduction of LinkedIn’s new video tab.

Take this example from SEMRush. In this short TikTok, the company plays up an inside joke with its target audience, highlighting that the “digital marketing team” is often just one or two people juggling 40 different responsibilities.

5. Build trust and credibility

In the marketers’ quest to create content that delights and helps our audiences, video is the holy grail. Because people (89% of consumers, to be exact) actually want to see more video content from brands.

What types of videos make your brand more relatable and trustworthy? There are many options, but some of our favorite trust-building video content puts faces to the brand. Think behind-the-scenes, expert interviews, or explainer videos hosted by internal subject matter experts (SMEs).

Then, of course, there are also testimonials and case studies. If you can provide this social proof in video format, you’ve got a very valuable asset indeed. In fact, 90% of customers say video testimonials help them make purchasing decisions.

By building trust with video, you can turn viewers into loyal customers.

The current state of B2B video marketing

Clearly, B2B video marketing is on the rise, but it's still in its early stages compared to B2C. In other words, there’s a golden opportunity for B2B companies ready to go all-in on video.

Currently, B2B is focusing video efforts on customer support how-to videos, product demos, and customer success stories. These formats definitely have a role to play, but few brands have yet to fully leverage video's potential across the marketing funnel.

Why now’s the time to launch your video marketing strategy

This relative underutilization of video in B2B means that audiences aren’t saturated with video content. Now is the time to strike while the iron is hot by establishing your presence and authority on video platforms and video-centric social media.

By being an early adopter of comprehensive video marketing strategies, you can stand out from competitors and build stronger connections with potential customers.

Using your video marketing budget wisely

High-quality video has a reputation for being expensive, which is probably why you’ve landed on this guide in the first place. As video producer Wes Kennison says, “Video content wins the internet, but it ain’t cheap.”

So how can you get maximum impact from your budget—whatever the size? Here are three tips.

1. Allocate your marketing budget carefully

Finding a balance within your marketing budget can be tricky. There’s no set portion that should go to video. Most companies break their budgets down by channel or funnel stage—and video can fit anywhere from demand gen to customer retention. It just depends on your content marketing strategy.

While there’s no one-size-fits-all approach, here are some best practices for budget allocation:

  • Start small and scale up based on performance
  • Always keep your audience’s video consumption habits in mind
  • Allocate budget for both production and distribution
  • Set aside funds for testing and optimization

2. Harness the power of repurposing

The secret weapon in stretching your marketing budget is something near and dear to our hearts at Goldcast:

Content repurposing. ✨

This strategy helps extend your reach and engagement regardless of budget size. You can repurpose video content in many, many ways. Here are some of our favorites:

  • Blog posts
  • Podcast episodes
  • Compilation videos
  • Teaser videos
  • Social media snippets
  • YouTube video ads
  • Pre-recorded videos for webinars
  • Email marketing campaigns
  • On-demand video content

Not sure where to start? Why not use your existing event marketing to fuel your strategy? Here’s a quick example.

AspenCore, a media group for the electronics industry, was busy hosting 10 virtual events per year—all of which were recorded. Their marketing team had a ton of video, but they didn’t have enough time or bandwidth to put it to full use.

With the help of Content Lab, they developed a system to repurpose event videos into short-form content for email follow ups, social media content, and more. And they did it all without the help of an external design, videography, or agency support.

From spending two hours clipping, cutting, and wrangling Canva templates, the team now spends as little as five minutes post-event generating their clips and customizing each one with their own branding.

3. Put your analytics to use

Tracking the right metrics is essential to optimizing the return on investment of your video marketing efforts. Here are a few key metrics to watch:

  • View count
  • Watch time
  • Engagement rate
  • Click-through rate
  • Conversion rate
  • Audience retention

Monitoring your video metrics—whether it’s in-platform (YouTube, TikTok, etc.) or aggregated within a marketing tool like HubSpot—helps you refine your video strategy to maximize your impact.

AI-powered video marketing: the next frontier

This wouldn’t be a proper discussion of online video marketing without mentioning artificial intelligence. AI has now made its way into every corner of marketing, video included.

There are a variety of ways AI can improve the efficiency and personalization of your video marketing strategy, like:

  • Automated video creation and editing
  • Personalized video at scale
  • Advanced audience targeting and segmentation
  • Enhanced analytics and predictive insights

And, well, it’s hard to overstate just how huge AI’s role in video creation is for marketers with limited resources.

No, AI can’t create an amazing video for you in seconds without some work on your part. But it can speed up the video content creation process, especially when it comes to repurposing longer footage.

It’s not about creating videos from scratch, but quickly getting more value from what you already have. Amrita Mathur, VP of Marketing at Clickup, outlines the three ways that AI has impacted her video content strategy:

  1. Brainstorming and producing content
  2. Quickly finding the best clips within longer videos
  3. Bringing more video production in-house to scale faster

She explains: “The second part is just using AI to actually find quickly—the speed part is a very important part—the best pieces of content to cut away, particularly through long-form video content.”

Imagine uploading an hour-long thought leadership webinar you hosted with a client and an internal SME. With a few clicks, that hour of discussion is transformed into short clips, snippets for social, search-optimized blog posts, a follow-up email for attendees, and takeaways for executive leadership.

All that content already lived inside your hour-long video. AI helped you pull it out and polish it up. Now all you have to do is apply the finishing touches. 💅🏼

This scene isn’t a fantasy. It’s a reality with Goldcast Content Lab—a reality that hundreds of B2B marketers are already living in.

Check it out for yourself by signing up for a free account now.

Creating video-based multimodal content with Goldcast

Video marketing can help you optimize the entire pipeline, from brand awareness to conversion and beyond. Yes, video is an investment—one well worth making.

As we’ve explored, the keys to getting the highest return on your investment are doubling down on what works, and repurposing absolutely every bit of the video you create.

As an event marketing platform, we might be biased, but one of our favorite ways to systematize this repurposing is to create an event-to-multimodal content pipeline.

This pipeline starts with capturing video of events you host, and spins that video into a variety of other marketing assets. From keynote speeches to panel discussions, event footage can be transformed into a wealth of marketing collateral.

☝🏼 Here’s the kicker: If you want to avoid all the manual rewatching, flagging, snipping, and editing, you have to choose the right event platform from the get-go.

We designed Goldcast to be that platform. Run flawless events, then repackage them into multimodal content that keeps working for you long after the events are over — all in one place.

See how brands like Alyce, GitHub, and Autodesk are doing it by signing up for a demo of Goldcast today.

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