8 Proven Tactics to Boost On-Demand Video Views and ROI

October 7, 2024
Lindsay McGuire
Lindsay McGuire
Associate Director of Content and Campaigns at Goldcast

Maximize Your Marketing ROI

Join 10,000 other marketers already getting the best tips on running engaging events that boost pipeline and create raving fans.

You just wrapped up your webinar and it was a show stopper. Your audience was engaged. Your tech worked flawlessly.

Now, onto the next event—right?

In the race for new content, it’s easy to overlook the goldmine of on-demand. However, this content is just as valuable as net-new material—and with some strategizing, you can get more on-demand views and maximize your webinar ROI. Let’s dive right into the tactics.

8 proven tactics to boost on-demand video views and ROI

Don’t just leave your on-demand content sitting on the shelf, make an intentional effort to get the most out of it and increase your video ROI

Here’s how to improve your on-demand views with creative strategies and campaigns

1. Make content evergreen

Creating evergreen content is the key to getting long-term value from your webinars. But how should you plan your webinar to make sure it ages well?

The answer is simple: Pre your webinar with on-demand viewing in mind.

This mindset shift will boost your video’s lifespan and ROI.

Of course, it’s easier said than done—especially if your organization has a long history of running webinars with a live-first mentality. That approach is great for attendees, but has way less appeal for on-demand viewers who may get bored or feel excluded by content that ultimately gives them FOMO.

Here are our top video recording tips to keep your content relevant and ready to repurpose:

  • Watch how you speak. Watch a recording of yourself (yikes, we know, but it’s worth it) to identify opportunities to improve your speed, articulation, and word usage. If you hear anything that could potentially throw a wrench into transcript and caption generation, see if you can’t try it again more slowly and clearly.
  • Avoid referencing trends and current events. These quickly make a video outdated.
  • Don’t reference previous slides and discussion. Replace “As we discussed earlier…” with something like “Since we know…”
  • Think about your soundbites. It’s okay, no one can eloquently present amazing insights off the cuff every time. If your webinar has a key idea that you know you’ll want to highlight later, put it on a slide and think about how you’ll present it for on-demand use.
  • Create a summary slide. When announcing new features in a product webinar, be sure to summarize them along with benefits in one tight slide.
  • Slow down. We can’t overstate the importance of intentionally. Slowing. Down. Give key sentences time to land, and your audience time to digest them.
  • Avoid saying “series.” Use a more generic reference to resources, even if they’re part of a series.
  • Name the nouns. We’re talking names of companies, products, and frameworks. You don’t have to be redundant to the point of annoyance, but restating names a bit more frequently makes it much easier to create complete, helpful clips.

Finally, be sure to remove dates and times from your video, imagery, and landing pages for on-demand viewing.

2. Improve on-demand videos

During a live event, your audience is hyper engaged. The live chat is flowing, the polls are plentiful, and the speaker could say anything. In other words, folks are just happy to be there.

On-demand audiences are much more discerning. It’s a lot to sit down for an hour-long webinar recording in an era when we can’t even commit to a Netflix series.

That’s why it’s crucial to polish your final video to its very best. Take the time to:

  • Add a professional-looking intro to set the tone and capture attention
  • Trim out sections that were only relevant to the live audience, e.g. housekeeping announcements
  • Cut any technical glitches
  • Add timestamps for scannability and navigation

Even though on-demand viewers can’t participate in real-time, interactive elements like quizzes and polls can still keep them engaged throughout the video.

On-demand videos should stand on their own merit—and they can, with a little refinement.

3. Offer clips in addition to full episodes

There’s a special place in B2B marketing heaven for viewers who watch a webinar recording start to finish. But, since most of them don’t, consider breaking your long-form video up into clips that highlight key moments from your webinar.

Of course, your ability to do this really comes down to the player you use.

With Goldcast Smart Events, once your webinar is over, you can embed the on-demand player, with full recording, clips, and transcript, anywhere you want—letting viewers choose how they want to consume the content.

4. Embed on-demand player on other pages

If you have a slick on-demand player, why limit your on-demand content to just one “replay” page?

Expand its reach by embedding our Smart Events player on other pages, like:

  • Blog posts
  • Product pages
  • Landing pages
  • Resource centers or knowledge bases

Your video content is valuable, and when used strategically, it can add value across your digital ecosystem. Plus, spreading your content out creates multiple entry points for potential viewers to end up watching your event on-demand.

5. Repackage webinar content for multichannel

Repurposing your webinar into multimodal content is a powerful way to extend its reach and drive traffic back to your on-demand video. This approach lets you cater to different audience preferences across multiple channels.

Here are a few of our favorite ways to repurpose video content from a webinar:

  • Email campaigns highlighting key takeaways
  • Blog posts expanding on webinar topics
  • Guides or whitepapers providing comprehensive coverage of a topic
  • Infographics visualizing key stats or processes
  • Social campaigns sharing bite-sized insights or quotes

For each piece of content, your call-to-action should send the audience back to the on-demand webinar. Boom. More views. 💥

6. Embed blog posts on your on-demand pages

You’ve heard of embedding videos into your blog posts—but what about flip-flopping that?

Embedding a blog post on your on-demand page can boost its SEO and drive significant organic traffic.

Hootsuite successfully used this approach to grow organic traffic to their on-demand webinars by a remarkable 150%. What does it look like in practice? In a nutshell:

  • Use AI tools to convert your webinar transcript into a well-structured blog post (Hootsuite used Goldcast Content Lab)
  • Optimize the blog content for target keywords
  • Embed the blog post on the landing page where viewers can access the gated on-demand video

This tactic serves two purposes. It provides search engines with crawlable text, improving SEO. But it also offers visitors a text alternative to the video—one that’s easier to consume than a raw transcript.

That means better discoverability as well as added value for your audience. No wonder Hootsuite saw a huge win with this strategy. 🎉

7. Run social ads

If you’re already repurposing webinar clips for organic social, why not put a few dollars behind that content to boost its visibility and drive more traffic back to your on-demand page?

The best practices for social ad creative are basically organic guidelines… on steroids:

  • Keep videos short (around 30 seconds) to hold attention
  • Include captions for accessibility and engagement
  • Use eye-catching thumbnails
  • Write crisp, compelling copy that highlights exactly what’s in it for the viewer

The difference, of course, is that with paid ads, you can reach specific audiences. Every platform’s targeting options are a bit different, but try to target segments who have shown interest in similar topics or who match your ideal customer profile.

If chopping up a webinar video into ad creative sounds daunting, don’t worry—this is one more thing Smart Events can do for you. 😉

8. Post clips to YouTube

We can’t talk about video distribution strategy without including YouTube.

Sure, you’re probably already publishing your webinar recording on your YouTube channel. But don’t stop there.

Posting the shorter clips you already generated is an excellent way to capture attention on YouTube and direct it toward your on-demand pages. Here’s how:

  • Post short, standalone clips (3-5 minutes) that showcase valuable insights from your webinar
  • Optimize video titles, descriptions, and tags for searchability
  • In the video description, include a compelling summary of the full webinar with a CTA to your on-demand content

Here’s an example. Our masterclass, “The Easiest Way to Produce a Series & Measure Results,” was packed full of insights. We published this short, focused clip on YouTube. It’s long enough to showcase the value of the session—but short enough to leave the viewer curious about what else they could learn in the longer session.

In the description, we dropped a summary of the masterclass and a link to the on-demand content.

For bonus points, consider using a content distribution partner like The Juice to get your content in front of even more engaged audiences.

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How to make the case to leadership

Are you pumped up for these tactics yet? Before you get started, the final crucial step is to get leadership on board.

During this conversation, focus on the untapped potential for ROI and growth. You’ve already invested resources in creating this content—now, it’s about extracting maximum value from those existing assets.

Highlight the efficiency and flexibility of repurposing on-demand content:

  • It’s more cost effective than creating net-new content
  • With AI tools, you can quickly generate multiple pieces from a single webinar
  • It allows for consistent messaging across channels
  • You can gate or ungate the content depending on campaign needs

By presenting on-demand content optimization as a smart, resourceful strategy, you’ll make a compelling case for leadership buy-in.

Unlock your webinars’ full potential with Smart Events

Maximizing your on-demand webinar content is crucial for increasing the ROI of your virtual events. The key is to treat on-demand content as a valuable asset, not an afterthought.

Ready to streamline this process and create content that goes the extra mile? See Goldcast in action.

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