3 Key Findings From the 2024 B2B Webinar Benchmark Report

October 22, 2024
Lindsay McGuire
Lindsay McGuire
Associate Director of Content & Campaigns

Maximize Your Marketing ROI

Join 10,000 other marketers already getting the best tips on running engaging events that boost pipeline and create raving fans.

In case you somehow missed it, we've been shouting it from the rooftops: Our 2024 B2B Webinar Benchmark Report is here! 📢🥳📢🥳

What took us so long, you ask?

Well, we only had 6K+ webinars, 1.7 million registrants, and 613K+ attendees to parse through! 🤯😅

Seriously, webinars have totally exploded in growth these last couple of years. We had an exponential increase in data to review from 2023 when compared to our first report—which makes the resulting insights even stronger because more data bears them out!

This year, we also covered some new topics—specifically, webinar series and repurposing. Audiences are eating up all types of serialized content and, as marketers continue to do more with less, repurposing is a critical part of an efficient webinar production cycle.

📈 Want to get the full report and follow along with our takeaways? Download it here!

Let's talk about a few of the top insights from the report and what they mean for your webinar program.

Finding #1: The average webinar has 296 registrants

In 2023, 1.7 million people signed up for a Goldcast-hosted webinar. (Note: This doesn't refer to the events hosted by the Goldcast team; it includes all Goldcast clients and their events!)

So, how many people is a "good" number when it comes to individual webinar sign-ups?

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We saw an average of 296 registrants for each webinar.

That said, this is just a baseline number. The number of registrants you get for each event will depend on a number of factors. For example, if you're hosting a webinar for a highly specific ICP, you might have a smaller number of registrants—and that would be expected.

The important thing is to monitor your own numbers over time to see if your webinars are holding steady. If your numbers begin to consistently drop off, it's worth digging deeper to see what you can change to influence registration and get back on track.

Conversely, if your numbers surge around a specific event, it might be worth hosting more of those!

Also, keep in mind that getting people to sign up is only half the battle. If none of the registered folks show up for the actual webinar, the registrations don't mean a thing. Even if you provide on-demand access after the webinar, you still want an audience there to engage with on Webinar Day.

PS: You can find out more about average attendance rates in the full report.

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Finding #2: Call your series what it is

Whether it was a closed series (where you have a preset number of episodes, like our LinkedIn Masterclass Series) or an ongoing series like our Goldcast Insider webinars, we saw a big uptick in event series this year!

In our first report, you may remember that we found a negative correlation between events that had the word "webinar" in their names and registrations.

In other words, people were less likely to sign up for webinars that used the name "webinar." This was probably due to Zoom fatigue and people feeling generally "over" the same old, monotonous events. So, we recommended that folks start thinking more creatively about naming their webinars.

However, this year's report revealed an interesting contradiction when it comes to series. Webinars that had "series" in their titles saw more registrations and higher attendance rates!

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We take this as a strong sign that audiences want more series, to the point where they might be more motivated to sign up and attend webinar series.

Your ICP is used to logging onto Netflix, Hulu, or any other streaming platform and being met with a ton of bingeable shows. They want you to provide that same experience.

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Finding #3: Companies are creating thousands of repurposed assets with Content Lab

Repurposing content is the smartest, most effective way to get the most bang for your buck.

Essentially, you take a webinar and then use an AI tool like Goldcast Content Lab to slice and dice it into tons of smaller content assets.

We analyzed repurposing data from July-December 2023 (Content Lab wasn't released until mid-year 2023). We found that brands are turning webinars into video content to satisfy audience demand, and they're also producing text-based assets to create blogs, social posts, and more.

Just take a look at the numbers!

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You can fuel an entire multi-channel content strategy with repurposed assets. While you still need to review and refine them, you save so much time when you remove the middleman and let Content Lab do the hard labor.

Curious what Content Lab looks like in action? Take a peek below as Lauren Creedon, our VP of Product, demos how our team uses Content Lab to repurpose series episodes into both video and text assets:

And if you want to take it a step further and start experimenting with your own webinars, try Content Lab for 14 days—completely free!


Review the full 2024 B2B Webinar Benchmark Report for more insights!

Of course, these are just three findings from a report full of great webinar insights.

We highly encourage you to check out the full report and study up on how webinars are changing. Are they getting longer? Are companies hosting more or less of them? Should you host your webinar on demand? 🤔

All of those questions—and more—are covered in the 2024 B2B Webinar Benchmark Report! Download below to get access to the Webinar Benchmark Scorecard so you can analyze how your own webinars are performing.


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