10 Actionable Video Marketing Ideas for B2B Brands

October 15, 2024
Lindsay McGuire
Lindsay McGuire
Associate Director of Content & Campaigns

Maximize Your Marketing ROI

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Video marketing is here to stay. According to data from Hubspot, the majority of companies (81%) have a marketing budget solely dedicated to video. The question for most is, what do you do with it?

For B2B marketers trying to break in and find their footing, the good news is, it takes a lot less time and money to launch an impactful video campaign than it did a few years ago. But as attention spans get shorter and more brands jump on the bandwagon, the bar for video is rising.

To remain competitive, B2B marketers have to produce high-quality video content at the speed of social media. In this article, we’ll share 10 video marketing ideas, plus examples, to help you create your own high-impact video marketing strategy.

Ramli on Standing Out in the AI Video Revolution:

10 effective video marketing ideas for B2B brands

Marketers aren’t embracing video just because it’s the “it” thing right now. According to research, 41% of marketers see high overall ROI from video marketing. But where do you start?

Here are 10 proven ways to leverage video content across the customer journey.

1. How-to videos

According to data from HubSpot, 66% of marketers say it’s the videos that showcase products and services that yield the best ROI. Product videos and explainer videos are excellent ways to show (not just tell) current users and potential customers how to get the most out of your product.

Consider formats like product tutorials, best practices, and power user pro tips. If you’re already hosting regular customer events, try clipping your top product tips or use cases to share in your customer success community, help pages, blog posts, or social media channels. Video is increasingly relied on for search. Whether a viewer’s just beginning to explore how a specific problem is solved or actively looking for a solution, answering their questions with a step-by-step video can help you get visibility with searchers across the funnel.


“Sometimes people prefer watching a video. You have a visual of where to do things which is very helpful for your customers to really get started with your specific product, rather than going through the instructions.” — Ramli John, founder, Delight Path

2. Live streams

In a world of robotic AI avatars, live events, product launches and Q&A sessions give your audience a time and place for real-time engagement with a human. And the best part? They can be easily repurposed into other formats long after the live stream ends.

To get the most out of your live streams, engagement is key. According to our research, 72% of business attendees say it’s the technology that makes a virtual event excellent—they’re big on features that increase interactivity. With a digital event platform that includes live engagement data from your chat, polls, Q&A, and even gamification features, you can use your event metrics to guide future decisions about which types of videos resonate best.


Let’s get meta. Here’s an example of how we repurposed a Q&A discussion with Sherry Phillips, CMO at Forbes to add an expert point of view for the very blog post you’re reading now.

Sherry Phillips on innovation in live streaming:

3. Webinars

The beauty of using your events to fuel the rest of your video marketing is that, unlike other formats, digital events are inherently B2B-friendly. They provide relevant content from expert voices in the industry on key audience pain points, making them a perfect format for audiences that prioritize quality content.

Case in point? The classic webinar. Decades on, the webinar remains a proven strategy for delivering in-depth industry knowledge, product demos, and thought leadership content. Webinars can be adapted to any part of the funnel, and by making them available on-demand, they can continue fueling your lead generation strategy long-term.


👋🏻 Need a hand planning the perfect webinar? Grab our free webinar operations checklist and start getting real value from your webinar strategy.

“If you're running webinars, that's a video. So, use it like a video. Find those controversial, funny, smart, snappy clips and share those. Make GIFs and short videos from your product walkthroughs… there are so many great ways to integrate video into your customer journey.”
— Lindsay McGuire, Goldcast

4. Behind-the-scenes videos

When it comes to video marketing content, behind-the-scenes content still reigns supreme, with more than half of the marketers surveyed by HubSpot saying it yields the highest ROI.

Whether it’s blooper reels, quirky office moments, or day-in-the-life YouTube videos featuring your team members or customers, the common thread with behind-the-scenes content is that it offers a genuine peek behind the curtain into who you are and what you do.


At Goldcast, we regularly go behind the scenes with the marketing community’s best and brightest as part of our Coffee Corner series. Join us for proven strategies to win new customers, increase B2B lead generation, and improve your overall digital marketing efforts.

5. Event recaps

In an attention economy, marketers need to make a big impression in a small amount of time. By cutting your event content into super digestible 15-60 second recap clips for social media, you can boost your registrations, increase on-demand views, and drive increased attendance for future events.

Use your event recaps to highlight key takeaways, share your biggest-impact insights, and position your brand as an active and engaged participant in your industry.


Create branded video clips in half the time. Try Content Lab for free today.

6. Snackable social media content

According to data, 63% of marketers believe social media is the most effective channel for promoting video—but standing out isn’t easy. That’s especially true on LinkedIn, which is one of the most widely used video marketing channels, with 76% of marketers saying they use the platform.

Bite-sized, short-form video for social media platforms helps you offer tips, trends, and educational videos as part of a healthy B2B social media marketing diet.

The key if you’re just getting started, is to walk before you run. Whether it’s a quick solo skit filmed on your mobile, an easy on-the-street style format, or quirky office dilemma highlighting your company culture, start small. Test until you find what works, then level up slowly with formats you know your audience will appreciate.


7. Original shows and podcasts

According to data from Lower Street, 55% of founders listen to podcasts daily. Not only that, branded podcasts were also found to boost brand awareness and favorability by 20%.

With original shows and podcasts, you can offer your audience in-depth insights, expert interviews, and topical analysis they can’t find anywhere else. You can even put a spin on it by trying out an unconventional format, like Mailchimp’s animated series, Mailchimp Presents.


“The premise is the specific defensible purpose for the project, pulled from your personal vision for your audience. You want to find the true believers because they make launching anything so much easier, and they're more ready to act in your favor because they see how it benefits them too.”
Jay Acunzo, host of the Unthinkable podcast and co-founder of Creator Kitchen

8. Event series

Like the rest of your content marketing, success with video is all about perfecting the balance between quality and consistency. And nothing does it better than a well-planned event series.

“I think the balancing of structure and organic is really important,” says Jessica Haas, VP CX, COS to the CEO at Appcues. “That's definitely been a key to success. We have some familiar signature questions that we ask every single time, mainly because we want to get different answers from different audience members. But we also want [try] to keep it fluid and authentic.”

Hosting an event series is the perfect opportunity to dive deep into a topic your audience would love to know more about or share uncommon solutions to common customer problems and FAQs.


Learn the A to Z of launching an event series. Watch Goldcast’s Event Series Masterclass on demand.

9. Customer stories, case studies and testimonial videos

AI isn’t perfect, but one thing we love about it is that it has truly leveled the playing field when it comes to video. With the right tools and platforms, you no longer need to spend countless hours (and dollars!) schlepping equipment to an onsite location for a professional video shoot just to to capture and share your customer wins.

Customer testimonial videos and even screen shares can help you build trust and establish social proof with new audiences, simply by sharing examples of how you help customers get results.


10. Personalizing sales outreach

Instead of hitting your database with the same old email templates, video helps you personalize your follow up with custom insights that actually apply to your prospects.

“One of the things I did to prove the value of video when I was with Appcues was a small test where I would go in, review the prospect’s onboarding experience, and then the sales team would actually send that out to their contacts to see how they engaged. Rather than sending the generic email, like, ‘hello, prospect name, want a demo?’, it'd be like, ‘hey, we went into your product and found these tips that can help you in onboarding—here's a video about it,’ says Ramli.

I’s all about experimenting until you find what works for you, and your leadership team.

“That was a small test that we were able to do to prove to the exec team that we can invest a little bit more time in video, especially for the high value leads in our database,” he explains.

Turn events into video content with Goldcast AI

"As consumers, we're just so used to video content on any platform that we're on, from social media to LinkedIn to TikTok,” says Sarah McConnell, VP of Demand Generation, Qualified. “It's all video-first now.”

With the right tools, you no longer need a full-time video editing pro or army of influencers to implement an effective video marketing strategy. And you don’t have to endure weeks of long feedback loops on third-party deliverables, either.

You can create media rich multimodal content in a matter of minutes from the same platform where you host your webinars, podcasts, and digital events.

Already a Goldcast user? You can combine professional-grade video production tools, multiple engagement features, captioning, and event analytics with Content Lab’s powerful video repurposing features to create a range of content formats, including:

With events at the center of your video marketing, you can consistently publish quality content from leading voices in your industry, while using deep data to make decisions that increase your ROI on video.

Level up your video marketing with Goldcast

The power of video is undeniable. And for many successful brands, events are at the center—both as live events and through creative repurposing across multiple video platforms.

With Goldcast Content Lab, you can maximize the benefits of event marketing by repurposing your recorded event content for your video marketing strategy. Take it from the marketing team at Birdeye: “I’ve loved being able to use Goldcast’s AI to create a blog post and event summary. I also enjoy getting the AI generated clips where it identifies interesting parts of the transcript and it clips that video out for you”

Ready to see for yourself? Try the freemium version of Content Lab or book a personalized demo of Goldcast to see the powerful B2B event platform in action.

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